Archives for Year Filings/ARR Filings/2018
Aggregate Revenue Requirement ARR and Filings for Tariff Proposals FPT submitted by APSPDCL for FY2019-20 and Brief Note

Aggregate Revenue Requirement ARR and Filings for Tariff Proposals FPT submitted by APEPDCL for FY2019-20 and Brief Note

ARR FPT Filings submitted by AP DISCOMs for FY2019-20 - Brief Note
Public Notice on ARR and FPT of APDISCOMs for FY2019-20
Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Filings for Tariff Proposals - Transmission and SLDC Tariffs for 4th Control Period submitted by APTRANSCO

Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Filings for Wheeling Tariffs and Business Plan for 4th Control Period Submitted by APSPDCL

Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Filings for Wheeling Tariffs and Business Plan for 4th Control Period Submitted by APEPDCL

Objections/Views/Suggestions in respect of Retail Supply ARR filings and Tariff applications submitted by DISCOMs for FY2019-20

Tariff application of APGENCO power stations for 4th Control Period - FY2019-20 TO FY 2023-24

Addendum to ARR and FPT filings of APDISCOMS